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  • Writer's pictureArt Sherwood

Flourishing Changemakers? Well-Being? PERMA +? Huh?

What is all this stuff, you ask?

Mohit and I think of flourishing and a high degree of well-being as being one and the same. It is all building on the work of the positive psychologists who built on the work of earlier psychologists who built on the work of 19th century philosophers who built on...

You get the idea. This is ancient stuff.

So what is the big deal now? Great question! For one, the idea of humans flourishing is a good in itself. And, given that the world is facing unprecedented challenges, we need CHANGEMAKERS to jump into the fray and do the hard, hard work of making change happen. This is critical for our planet and her people.

Yet, this hard, hard work beats people up and burns them out. So much so, that we hear countless stories of people needing to exit for extended periods of time or quit the work altogether.


So, what will be the key?

Flourishing by design.

This is where PERMA+ comes in. It is built on the work of the amazing work of Martin Seligman and his cast of bright researching characters who have put the wisdom of the ancients to the test through using the scientific method.

The result? PERMA. We added the "+"

P=Positive Emotions

E=Engagement in Strengths

R=Relationships that are healthy and positive



+=whatever is missing from the above for YOU. This matters because PERMA is built on statistical averages and does not account for specific individual differences...and you know you. For me, exercise is a critical factor yet the scientific evidence is still being gathered to add this into the mix for people generally. Yet, that does not negate the importance to me.

So we started the Flourishing Changemaker project to find out more about the struggles and successes folks have had around the world and how they have dealt with them. Our aim is to find how people actually build well-being and to share those specific approaches with the world. Why?

To increase worldwide flourishing for changemakers.

Because changemakers change the world.

Join us!

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